Saturday, March 5, 2011

You are Invited...

Dear Readers:


Cricket can be confusing if you’re a newcomer, or simply if there isn’t a tradition in your country. But, once you understand the basics, its easy to build up your knowledge. The same principles and terms apply to every form of the game, so once you’ve developed a good foundation, then sky’s the limit.

To the uninitiated, cricketing terms can be like a foreign language. The difference between terms like short leg and long on, or yorker and googly might not be obvious at first, but there are lots of online or printed resources to help. One difficulty with most of these is that they assume a certain level of cricket knowledge. However Wikipedia is a good starting point, as it gives the basics as well as providing links to more detailed explanations. also supplies a useful list for beginners.

With some understanding of the rules and terms, you’ve made a solid start on learning how to play cricket. Now, there are different paths depending on your aspirations as a player or supporter, or both.

Like any other sport, good players have to get the basic skills right from the beginning, and then build on them. This is true for young or old, male or female. And, if there’s a young cricketer in your family, you’ll have a great time supporting them too.

I encourage you to visit my website to learn more about this great sport.

Good Luck!

Cricket Player.