Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What is Cricket Mansion?

Cricket Mansion is dedicated to helping you find the best information about the sports of Cricket, how to play the game and have a great time. This is a real site. By real, I mean genuine and sincere.

There are so many cricketing websites and blogs, but not many sites explain the basics of how to play the game. Cricket Mansion’s blogs and website cricketmansion.webs.com provides the information on how to play cricket, how to improve, how to understand the game and what you need to get started. The language is plain and simple, easy for even cricket novices or even people who have no cricket knowledge to follow. The design of the site is very simple and clean which helps to keep your interest in the blog.  There is no unnecessary clutter, and this further keeps your interest in the blog at its max.

In the meantime though Cricket Mansion doesn’t provide latest news and happenings in the cricket world, but blogs and articles are posted regularly providing tips and tricks for playing and improving you skills.

Cricket Mansion’s blog is an example of how a cricket player can use blogging technology to let the world know of his talents.  Cricket Mansion uses the free blogging software from blogspot.com, so there's no need to register the domain name or pay for hosting.

If you like us to provide information on any specific area, please let us know. We will try our best to get information from the best sources possible….

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