Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Take a look at another great cricket blog…

From time to time I will be analyzing and posting about good blog sites out there in the web that provides great information about Cricket.
Here is a good one…
Some highlights of espncricinfo blog:
The blog provides interesting information about things in international cricket arena that doesn’t get main stream media attention. There are special sections that cover about first class cricket games, the prospective future international players, the struggles and challenges facing these prospective players, things happening around Pakistani cricket world, post match analysis, important things going in player’s life that aids or affects their performance, how is cricket helping communities and transforming lives etc.
Blogs are posted almost every day by many authors. The language is plain and simple, easy for even cricket novices to follow. Their posts are targeted to provide information, news, latest cricket buzz to fans at all levels.
There are many active followers for these blogs. The site provides RSS feeds for which readers can subscribe to let them know when new blogs are available and alerts readers when new comments are posted.
The site has introduced mobile apps and face book pages for the fans to catch the latest and greatest happening the cricket world.
The blog does not provide information on how to play cricket or how to improve or how to understand the game. These blogs are for readers who have some basic knowledge about the game.
Watch out for more analysis on other cricket blogs in the future. If you like us to review any blog sites in particular, let us know…

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